Zoroastrian Tour in Yazd & Taft

Zoroastrianism is one of the most wondrous religions in the whole world and unlike the past, now it has turned into just a small community in some parts of the globe. Fortunately Yazd Province in Iran is one of the places which still embraces its culture. The Zoroastrian Tour in Yazd & Taft will make you familiar with this amazing community.


Visiting Markar museum, the Zoroastrian History and Culture museum located in Yazd, with a local Zoroastrian leader will properly introduce you to traditional celebrations and rituals of the Zoroastrians, traditional dressing code of Zoroastrians, Zoroastrian holy shrines such as Chak Chak & Ghale Asadan, and etc.

Dakhmeh (Tower of Silence), the Zoroastrian Cemetery, is a little bit different than other kinds of cemeteries. There’s a place on top of some towers to get rid of dead bodies. It has an interesting story behind it, which you would preferably hear it in the Cham Tower of Silence from a Zoroastrian local guide.

There’s also some natural and holly sights worth visiting such as Mobarakeh’s twin cypress trees which are 550 years old and also one of the oldest trees in the country, Cham cypress tree which is 3500 years old.

Chatting with the warm people of Yazd is the one thing anyone who has visited here will mention. There’s a very kind woman, Dowlat Khanoom, with a beautiful heart who’s waiting for us in her house to talk in Persian with her sweet musical accent.

Ghale Asadan (Seti Pir) is one of the Zoroastrian holy shrines that has a unique story behind it, as do all other shrines like Chak Chak. But I can say about this one that not everyone has heard of it so it’s more pure & mysterious.

And at the end of course if you have plans to know things about Zoroastrians, you must see a Fire Temple and hear all of the history behind it from a Zoroastrian.

Starts at:

Anywhere in Yazd & Taft

Anytime between 8 am to 4 pm


Approximately 4 hours

Physical Rating:


Number of Participants:

On Request


Transportation, Local tour leader


Entrance fee, Foods or Drinks

  • For 1: 25 euros
  • For 2: 40 euros
  • For 3: 50 euros
  • More than 3: 15 euros per person

Just send us below information:

Name – Date – Numbers of participants – any further needed details.


Night staying in Nartitee Ecolodge

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